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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

BAMC will not be sending ship to patient until further notice lack of supplies. For questions, please contact NCOIC SSgt Joachin at (805)8446438, Due to funding, we are out of several frames therefore expect delays.

BAMC1 Lab: AR will be an 30 day delay on top of regular shipping due to fiscal funding closure

About SRTSweb

Why SRTSweb....

SRTSweb provides the only Tri-Service solution to support the need for a clinically integrated, secure web-based application to fulfill the Optical Fabrication Enterprise objectives.

SRTSweb provides the capability for authorized clinics worldwide to record, store, retrieve, and transmit spectacle request information to optical fabrication labs as needed. Remote users have the capability to utilize the GEyes functionality to re-order an existing srts order and have that order sent directly to the lab for fabrication.

SRTSweb eliminates the need for client software, satisfies stringent Tri-Service Information Assurance (IA) requirements, and provides the user with a more state-of-the-art tool for ordering spectacles, inserts and masks.