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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

BAMC will not be sending ship to patient until further notice lack of supplies. For questions, please contact NCOIC SSgt Joachin at (805)8446438, Due to funding, we are out of several frames therefore expect delays.

BAMC1 Lab: AR will be an 30 day delay on top of regular shipping due to fiscal funding closure

New Facility / System Access Request

SRTSweb is a secure system for authorized personnel use only. A clinic or lab wishing to use SRTSweb to manage military eyewear processing, must obtain a NOSTRA authorized account. To register a new lab or clinic, please complete the registration form below. You will be notified via email once NOSTRA has created your account.

Note: If you are an existing lab or clinic already using SRTS and you require user access, please complete the Request System Access form.

Facility Account Request Form









Requester Name:*

Requester Title:*

Requester Work Phone:*

Requester DSN Phone:

Requester FAX:

Requester Email:*

Facility Type:*

Facility Branch of Service:*

Facility Component:*










Unit Name:*

Unit Address 1:*

Unit Address 2:

Unit Address 3:

Unit City:*

Unit State:*

Unit Country:*

Unit Zip Code:*


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